Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Breakdown

This evening marks the conclusion of Fall Break. Here is a quick recap:

Jeff painted a dresser which we inherited a scrumptious turquoise color selected by moi. He called it "robin's egg blue." The paint chip (and I) called it "true turquoise." We both called it sort of Tiffany & Co-esque. We both agree that it looks fabulous.

Somebody finally potty-trained. Finally. Fi. Nal. Ly.

Somebody else still has a love/ignore/reject relationship with the potty. However, two kids trained out of four is 50%, which is much, much better than 25%.

Jack smashed a lamp on the bathroom floor.

Jack ripped apart a book and shredded approximately 40% of the contents of a photo album, and sprinkled it all about the house.

Jack kicked the baby over, threw the vacuum down the stairs, dragged the blender around the backyard, chucked my curling iron at the wall, and dumped the contents of one of the trash cans onto the driveway.

On Day 4 of the break, I struggled to contain and redirect Jack, who somehow during this school holiday got stuck in "destructive mode," and also "rampage mode." When I thought about Thanksgiving Break next month, and the probable repeat of Jack's behavior death spiral, I climbed into my bed and cried myself to sleep.

Jeff and I moved Charlie out of Henry's room and into his own room, which is much closer to mom and dad and which is working out capitally. As part of this endeavor, we moved, reoriented, and hauled loads of furniture and tons of STUFF. I'm realizing that I need to have another cleanse of all the THINGS in our house, and I need to do it, stat.

Jack vacuumed the dusty, crumby floors uncovered by our furniture switcheroo. And he truly didn't mind at all.

I bid fond farewell to my Gospel Doctrine teaching gig and re-entered the Young Women program at church.

I introduced Jeff to the irresistible crinkle cut sweet potato fries at Rumbi on our date. We inhaled them. At the cinema, we were charmed by Emma Watson's depiction of an alternative American teen. Her accent was pretty convincing, but not as bewitching as her native lilt.

Baby has revealed that much like his brother Charlie, he hums every time he eats. When they both eat at the same time, it sort of harmonizes.


  1. I love the story of your life, Megan. Just love it. Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. Your fall break was so eventful. Congrats on the 50% of the kids being potty trained! That is a huge step! I hope your vacumm is durable.

  3. Love the update, my dear! I'm sorry to hear about J's rampage during the break though. I'm thrilled to hear that you are a sweet potato fry fan too! Yum!!! I'll have to try Rumbi's sometime. I'm happy for you and your "new" dresser, your fun date with the hubs, and your new calling! That is all very exciting stuff. Miss you!
